Rest and Sleep Time

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Soothing Slumber: Rest Time At Spring Kids

Catering to Individual Comfort: Rest and Sleep at Spring Kids

At Spring Kids, we prioritize meeting the unique needs and comforts of each child, recognizing that rest and sleep are vital components of their busy days at childcare.

Every child has the option to rest or nap, ensuring they have the opportunity for rejuvenation during their time with us. In our pre-kinder rooms, a quiet and restful play period is seamlessly integrated into the daily program. For children who opt out of sleep or find it challenging to doze off, we encourage quiet activities like reading or listening to music. If you prefer your child not to nap or would like their nap time limited, simply inform your child’s educators, and we’ll accommodate your preferences.
Rest and Sleep in Childcare in springkids

In our baby rooms, infants sleep safely in cots, following their home sleep routine. We adapt to your baby's needs, ensuring they nap comfortably according to their accustomed schedule.

During sleep, we ensure children are appropriately dressed and covered with blankets or sheets, adhering to safety guidelines recommended by the Reducing the Risk of SIDS program.

Even in our kinder rooms, where napping may be less common, children are encouraged to enjoy quiet moments throughout the day, fostering relaxation and engagement through activities like reading or exploring picture books.

At Spring Kids, every child's rest is treated with care and consideration. Do you have any questions?  Make an enquiry! We're Here to Help.

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